How Can We Help?
WK Palmerton Associates LLC (WKPA) has ground-breaking experience in the design and structure of efficient and well run CCAs.
In 2010, WKPA’s founder W. Kent Palmerton formed Power Choice Inc. (PCI) to provide structured power arrangements to the City and County of San Francisco’s CCA initiatives. PCI was awarded the right to negotiate with the CCSF a turn-key contract to serve the entire electric load of the CCSF – approximately 760 Mw at peak.
PCI has FERC Market Based Rate Authority allowing it to buy and sell power in any wholesale market in the US.
WK Palmerton Associates LLC (and PCI) stand ready to help launch new CCA’s in California and through out the country. Find out how we can help your Agency implement your own CCA program by contacting us at the links below.