W. Kent Palmerton as Senior Associate
We take the “Associates” in WK Palmerton Associates LLC seriously.
WKPA is often described as a virtual consulting firm, providing just the right talent at the right time to meet its clients needs.
One of WKPA’s enduring Associates is Sterling Energy Management LLC (SEM). Whether the project started at SEM or WKPA, the two organizations found many opportunities to work together.
Sterling Energy is a company dedicated to the professional management of thermal and renewable power generation assets. Since their start in 1989 they have added value for more than 120 clients on projects located in more than 20 countries. Their experience and management services span every phase of a power project, from development through asset management, and nearly every conventional and alternative energy technology. Their management services are marked by a commitment to provide exactly the right approach to meet their client’s need.
Sterling Energy Management (SEM) retained the services of WK Palmerton Associates LLC’s principle consultant W. Kent Palmerton as a Senior Associate in 2004. Mr. Palmerton provided a wide array of Transmission Interconnection and Transactional services to SEM on a project by project basis. Among the projects the two organizations collaborated on include:
The Bright Source Solar Tower installation – SEM provided initial site selection alternatives, Large Generator Interconnection Process (LGIP) support, logistics and was the lead for interconnection study and interconnection process with the CAISO and Southern California Edison (SCE) transmission planners and management.
The Laughlin, NV located Mojave Coal Fired Power Plant acquisition, conversion to, and operation as a Natural Gas project – SEM was retained to provide technical and transactional services to a project sponsor that planned to purchase the facility from SCE (and partners), convert the boilers to fire full time on Natural Gas fuel, and sell the output back to SCE.