Inovation Generator and New Business Development Consulting Services
WK Palmerton Associates LLC (WKPA) is contracted to provide labor, material and equipment required to develop business models, business processes and develop consumer products and services as requested by SMUD. A requirement of the contract is that WKPA will be available to be on call or available on short notice over the life of the contract.
Many historically stable and predictable components of the energy and utility industry are being changed: market structures, business models, technologies and customer expectations. In response to change, SMUD is identifying new business models, continuing development of its Innovation Generator and new business development.
SMUD will provide access to the following—energy customers, new energy services modeling, new service and product testing, verification, marketing assistance and subject matter expertise. WKPA will help develop business plans, processes, criteria for selection, engagement strategies, implementation plans, success factors, and exit plans.
Tasks may include, but will not be limited to:
Evolution plan development
Business model assessment and evaluation
Researching, creating and managing 3rd party business partnerships
New product ideation and implementation
Business case development
Detailed business case validation
Market, product viability and customer research
Gap analyses
Business process design
Market research
Evaluation, Measurement and Validation contribution